Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon.” — Winnie the Pooh
Are you happy? Do you see happy people around you? Sometimes easy, sometimes hard, but keeping happiness going can be challenging. The root of any sustaining happiness is joy which is a deeper spring of contentment and peace that fuels happiness overall. Think of happiness as fleeting when you are happy for a moment, but joy is that deep feeling of satisfaction and peace that all is well in which like water can lift up the happiness float! Some top traits of happy people for you to ponder and implement into your life are as follows: 1. They don’t judge others. The minute you find yourself judging or looking down on others pause and ask yourself is that really making you feel good? Happy people are able to make a distinction between standing up for what they believe in and judging others. As the wise words of Wayne Dyer say, “judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are.” To be happier be true to your values and have genuine empathy for the plights of others, but save your critiques for the one person you have ownership over — yourself. 2. They don’t attach to what others think of them. Happy people understand that in life it goes with living that there will always be people who don’t like them/ They’re not dismissive of negative feedback (because they know it can be useful) but they don’t take it personally and take it with a grain of salt; they don’t attach to others’ opinions, and they don’t feel driven to react to them. They’re open, not defensive. They don’t stay stuck in the past, they don’t hold grudges, they let go. They get on with their own lives and plans and allow others space to do the same. What I like the say happier people do the "Teflon Pan" effect to let things just slip off and just move on with good cooking! 3. They‘re okay with being (slightly) out-of-control. The need to be in control of everyting is a recipe for misery because it's just not possible. Happy people understand that control will never fully be ours, that the best laid plans are often thwarted and that no-one is immune to the trials that will happen. So they take charge of the things they can and back themselves to roll with the inevitable punches life will throw at them. Happy people really know and live the serenity prayer, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." 4. They make space for fun. Happy people have challenges and rough spots just like everyone, but as a general rule they’re playful in mind, body and spirit. They get a joke. They make efforts to find and have fun from the wild and adventurous to having a laugh around the kitchen. They’re up for enjoying the Moment. You know that hanging out with them will be good time —that it’ll add to your life, not subtract from it. Take time to smell the roses and have a sunset cheers! 5. They don’t over-indulge — in anything. Moods, emotions, alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, gaming, social media, work, sleeping — whatever — over-indulgence can lead you down a dark and troubled path, not just for yourself but the people who love you. Happy people self-regulate to keep all in balance. Everything in moderation. This way you never have cause to regret actions or the way you have treated people. They don’t have to worry about what (really) happened the night before. So they can live easily with themselves — and that brings them peace. Plus saying I'm sorry and confessing is a good thing for the moments when we do go over the edge. Then pick up the pieces and move on with anew upward and onward! 6. They “do and give” stuff. Happy people usually have goals they are striving for and blend it with content to live day to day, to get on with whoever and whatever’s right in front of them to do their best at the task at hand. The key is happy people have a drive to “do” things — not to the point of exhaustion or martyrdom, but to be proactive in the world, to make a contribution and be a light. Whether it’s to landscape a garden, play games with their kids, make music, play sports, cook a delicious meal, teach or mentor someone, fix a tech problem, tackle some chores, write a story or paint a picture, build or craft something. Happy people give, and they understand the value of achievement, even on a small scale — and how good it feels to deliver their own little drop of peace, love, and beauty into the world. 7. They hold life lightly. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirl of building a career (and an image and a brand and a reputation), and to overthink the importance of our place in the world. But ashes to ashes and all that — we’re all ending up in the same place. Nothing is an important as we think — not even ourselves. Happy people know this instinctively. They hold life lightly and know there is a bigger purpose and a heaven and eternity mindset at play. If you do these 7 thing It can make you happier. I hope the sharing of this light and wisdom blesses you and makes you have a not just a happy life, but overall a more joyful life that enables more happiness to be in your life. Enjoy, Keith Washo
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